What we do

Applying collective flow into your workplace

Duration: 3 - 4 hours

This session kicks off with the Icebreaker show and the simple reason for this is that we want your team to experience a state of collective flow before we share with your team how they can create this themselves.

The performance is followed by the Collective Flow seminar where we unpack the 7 core languages which we have mastered to create collective flow during our performances. We explain how these languages can be learned by anyone and translated to any leadership role.

The third stage of this workshop focuses on participants working together to translate and apply the languages of collective flow into their workplace/s.  We take a relevant work place challenge as a case study. Participants then work in small groups; taking the case study challenge and apply the 7 languages as a tool to develop solutions to the challenge.

The workshop concludes by sharing and discussing each group’s ideas and solutions, participants can then take these ideas back into their working environment and put them into practise.