What we do

Corporate services and workshops

We live in a world filled with distraction and noise, most of us are constantly interacting with our digital devices. Screens are everywhere and it seems we’re slowly losing the art of looking and listening, the ability to be aware. Imagine leaving this behind even for just 30 minutes, turning all gadgets off and entering… Read more »

School shows & workshops

Rhythm Interactive offers your students and teachers a range of inspiring shows and workshops. Our school shows are developed with the New Zealand curriculum principles, values and the key competencies clearly in mind. Our drum, singing and dance workshops are highly engaging, 100% interactive and geared to all student age groups and levels. Our interactive drums shows are such that each student… Read more »

Public events

African, Latin American, Middle Eastern and many other cultures use drumming, (rhythm) along with dance and singing as part of everyday life: meditation, celebration, ceremonies, stress release, healing and to connect their communities. Drumming, singing and dance play a much larger role in these cultures compared to western culture. But this is changing. Rhythm Interactive… Read more »


It all began in 2003 on a trip to South Africa where John fell in love with the energy of African drumming and the powerful concept of group drumming. John heard his calling and took this concept back to New Zealand and introduced an interactive group drumming activity to the corporate events industry as a… Read more »